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Instructions for the "Poker Challenge" series.
Copyright 1989 The WorkWare Co.
There are two programs in the "Poker Challenge" series:
7 Card Stud: the executable file is 7STUD.EXE.
Texas Hold'em: the executable file is HOLDEM.EXE.
The following instructions apply to both.
In the instructions, "Enter <text>" means type in the text between
the angle brackets <> and press the 'Enter' key.
TO START THE PROGRAM: With the program disk in Drive A:, at the
DOS prompt (A>):
If you have the 7 Card Stud disk: enter <7STUD>.
If you have the Texas Hold'em disk: enter <HOLDEM>.
A sign-on screen with a copyright notice will appear first. Press
any key. The Main Menu will appear. Press 'G' to "Get on with
the Poker Game."
TROUBLE STARTING UP: When the program starts up, it assumes that
your computer is IBM-compatible. If when the program starts, it
doesn't do anything, or "hangs" your computer, your computer isn't
"compatible" enough. You may still be able to run the program,
however, by starting it as follows:
1) Enter the executable file name followed by "-S", e.g.,
<7STUD -S>. Try this if the program "hanged" your com-
puter or nothing showed on screen. The "-S" command-line
parameter prevents the program from writing directly to
the screen RAM addresses.
2) Enter the executable file name followed by "-N", e.g.,
<HOLDEM -N>. Try this if the program started, you saw a
sign-on screen, but nothing else happened when you pressed
a key to go on. The "-N" prevents the program from using
sound effects.
MONOCHROME MONITOR: The program prints text on screen in three
ways: bright, dim, and reversed. On some mono monitors, especi-
ally those that are green, it may be hard to read the dim text.
If so, enter the executable file name followed by "-B", e.g.,
<7STUD -B>, to start the program. The "-B" forces dim text to be
COLOR MONITOR: If you have a color monitor but the program does
not come up in color, you need to enter <MODE CO80> at the DOS
prompt. You must be in the directory containing the DOS file
MODE.COM or your DOS path must include the directory. See "MODE"
in your DOS manual.
that, you won't need much of any other help. Often, the last row
on screen shows you a command line of keys that you may press.
For example:
Esc=Exit /Up/Dn=Scroll F9=Print all F10=Print form
The example is taken from the current screen. In the example, the
'Esc' key exits the current screen and activity. The up and down
cursor keys scroll through the text on screen. The 'F9' key prints
all, in this example all the help text. The 'F10' key prints a form
for other poker programs.
MAIN MENU: ╔════════════════════════════════════════╗
║ See License / Help ║
║ Use the Stakes from Last Night's Game ║
║ Get on with the Poker Game ║
║ Adjust the Players' Stakes ║
║ Read Info on Other Games ║
Quit for the Night
At the Main Menu, press the 1st letter of your selection. The
1st letters are "SUGARQ". The selections are:
'S': See your license and instructions for the program.
'U': When you "Quit" the game, a list of the active players and
their stakes is saved in a disk file. The next time you
play, if you want to resume the previous game, press 'U' to
re-load the saved information from disk.
'G': Play the game. Details are in "Playing the Game" below.
'A': Change the players' stakes; set which players are active.
Details are in "Adjust the Players' Stakes" below.
'R': The WorkWare Company publishes other poker games. To read
about them, press 'R'. Note that the sample screens in "Read
Info..." contain information about the game you are playing.
'Q': Quit the game, return to DOS.
Press 'G' at the Main Menu to "Get on with the Poker Game." Your
computer opponents, "AutoPlayers," will automatically make their
bets. You will play in position #1, named "Pecos McClure." When it
is your turn to bet, a rectangular section near your cards will light
up with the wording "Your Bet." The amount of the bet to you is indi-
cated on screen, e.g., "Bet 4.00".
When there is no bet to you:
TO CHECK: press Enter.
TO BET: type in your bet with the number keys, press Enter.
When there is a bet to you:
TO CALL: type in the amount of the bet, press Enter.
TO RAISE: type in the sum of the bet and your raise, press
Enter. You should follow the professional table
rule that a raise must at least equal the "to you"
bet, up to the betting limit of the round. The
AutoPlayers follow this rule.
IMPORTANT: See "Speedy Re-deal" and "Shorthand Betting" below.
If you mistakenly bet too little, or bet more than the "to you" bet
plus the betting limit, your bet will not be accepted: re-enter it.
After each round you play, the winner and the value of the winning
hand are displayed on the middle lines of the game screen. In addi-
tion, the value of any hand that stayed through the last card dealt
is displayed beside the hand. For example:
│10│10│7 │ If this hand is the winner, both "Flush" and
┌────┐ ┌────┐ "King Hi" will be lit up.
│6 │───│5 │
│ │ ┌────┐ If this hand called the final bet but did not
└────┘ │K │ win, only "Flush" will be lit up.
298.00 ┌────┐
Flush│2 │ If this hand did not call the final bet, neither
King Hi│ │ "Flush" nor "King Hi" will be lit up.
Each player's current stake is displayed at the player's position
on screen (298.00 in the above example). The pot, displayed on
screen, is not paid to the winner until the next deal starts.
SPEEDY RE-DEAL: After each hand, when you are asked "Deal [Y/N]?",
press the Enter key instead of 'Y'. During the hand, e.g., while
the first cards are being dealt, if you see that you want to fold
your cards, press Enter without waiting for your turn to bet: the
"real-time delay factor" will be turned off and the AutoPlayers
will speed through the hand.
SHORTHAND BETTING: You can play the game using mostly just the +
(plus) and Enter keys:
IF THE BETTING LIMITS ARE FIXED (i.e., you must bet the limit):
You can make or call a bet by entering 1 "+" sign. To raise,
enter two "++" signs.
IF THE LIMITS ARE VARIABLE (i.e., you may bet any amount up to
the limit): You can make a bet by entering 1 to 4 "+" signs.
If there is no bet "to you," then one + will bet 1/4 the limit
(rounded off to a whole dollar amount), two ++ 1/2, three +++
3/4, and four ++++ the entire limit. If there is a bet "to you,"
one + will call, two ++ will raise by doubling the bet, three
+++ will triple the bet, and four ++++ will raise the limit.
Shorthand bets automatically stay within the betting limits.
POKER CALCULATOR: When it is your turn to bet, PRESS THE F5 KEY
to pop up a screen of information about your hand. The information
includes the value of your hand, "come" possibilities, warnings
about your opponents' hands, etc. Also, there is a "Poker-odds"
calculator at the bottom of the pop-up screen. To use the calcu-
lator, first determine the number of cards that will help your hand.
Then use the + or - key to change the calculator's help cards to the
number you determined. The calculator will automatically display
your chances of getting your help card in the cards yet to come.
Use the up & down arrow keys to move up and down one of the two
columns, "Stake" and "Playing." The TAB key changes columns.
Under "Stake," enter the player's stake for the game. Enter any
number up to 999999.99. Do not use commas.
Under "Playing," enter <Y> or <YES> if you want the player in the
game. To take a player out, enter <N> or <NO>. You can not take
your position (player #1, Pecos McClure) out of the game.
The following information is provided to give you insight into
your AutoPlayer opponents and the table rules.
NOTE: Under "Read Info on Other Games," press the F2 key to see
sample screens from the "Mastery of Poker" series. THE
The "Poker Challenge" series is based on the "The Mastery of Poker"
series. The "Challenge" games are complete programs in themselves,
not just limited versions of the "Mastery" games. However, the
"Challenge" games were designed for casual players who want only to
play a little poker, without rating players, setting table rules,
analyzing results, and so on. The "Mastery" programs, on the other
hand, were originally designed for studious or professional players.
Besides including Hand/Game Analyzers(tm) and various report screens,
the "Mastery" programs allow the user to set stay-or-fold standards
and skill levels for each AutoPlayer. The user can also set all the
table rules. The "Challenge" series uses AutoPlayers' ratings and
table rules pre-set to "loose" standards for the casual player. To
examine the ratings and rules, do as follows:
1) At the Main Menu, press 'R' to "Read Info on Other Games."
2) Press 'F2' for sample screens.
3) Press 'S' to examine "Setup--variable skill ratings." Or
press 'A' to examine "Adjust--variable table rules."
The following examples are taken from the 7 Card Stud game, but
they generally apply to Hold'em as well.
│ Rating Player # 6, Riverboat Tom │
│With 3 cards Stay On: With 4 cards Stay On: │
│2 High Card(s), QUEEN or higher 3 High Card(s), JACK or higher│
│3 Cards to a Straight, THREE high 3 Cards to a Straight, THREE high│
│3 To Inside Straight, 2 hole(s) 3 To Inside Straight, 2 hole(s)│
│3 Cards to a Flush, FOUR high 3 Cards to a Flush, FOUR high│
│Y A Pair of EIGHTS or higher Y A Pair of EIGHTS or higher│
│Y A Pair with a QUEEN kicker Y A Pair with a QUEEN kicker│
│── ──── Y Two Pairs, THREES up│
│Y Trips, TWOS or higher Y Trips, TWOS or higher│
│ ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │
│With 5 cards Stay On: With 6 cards Stay On: │
│4 High Card(s), TEN or higher 4 High Card(s), TEN or higher│
│4 Cards to a Straight, FOUR high 4 Cards to a Straight, FIVE high│
│4 To Inside Straight, 1 hole(s) 3 To Inside Straight, 2 hole(s)│
│4 Cards to a Flush, FIVE high 4 Cards to a Flush, FIVE high│
│Y A Pair of QUEENS or higher Y A Pair of QUEENS or higher│
│Y A Pair with a KING kicker Y A Pair with a KING kicker│
│Y Two Pairs, EIGHTS up Y Two Pairs, EIGHTS up│
│Y Trips, TWOS or higher Y Trips, TWOS or higher│
│ │
│ Tight 1 Bluff 2 Alert 3 Math 1 Calmness 2 Reading 1 Betting 2 │
│TAB skips to the next Entry / Use Left & Right Arrow Keys to change Entry│
STAY-OR-FOLD STANDARDS: The standards are represented in the quad-
rants of the screen, labeled "With x cards Stay On:". Because of
space, the instructions from the "Mastery" manual can not be repro-
duced here. However, the stay-or-fold standards are somewhat self-
explanatory. The standards dictate what hands an AutoPlayer will
consider staying with after the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th cards.
SKILL SETTINGS: There are 7 poker skills listed near the bottom of
the setup-ratings screen: Tight, Bluff, Alert, Math, et cetera.
The stay-or-fold standards and the skill settings together create a
player's style. At times, the skill settings may override the stay-
or-fold standards. For example, the stay-or-fold standard may call
for the AutoPlayer to stay with a pair of Kings or higher, but if his
"Tight" and "Math" skills are set high (2 or 3, not 0 or 1), he will
usually fold if a pair of Aces shows up against him. The probability
that skill settings will override stay-or-fold standards increases
in later rounds. The higher the skill ratings, the more they take
precedence over the stay-or-fold standards. Except when skills are set
to 0, AutoPlayers will simulate the unpredictability of live players.
The following are (very) abbreviated explanations taken from the
"Mastery" series' instructional manual:
Tight: This influences how tightly the player will play when his
hand is beaten by cards dealt face up to other players. With all
skill settings, 1 is for the average player, 3 is for the strong-
est. (Settings of 0 are for special purposes.)
Bluff: This influences how often and well the player bluffs.
Alert: This influences the simulation of the player's alertness.
It affects the skills labeled Tight, Math, Reading, and Betting.
Math: A setting of Math 1 will make the player, like an average
living player, overestimate the value of any given hand, especial-
ly "come" hands. Math 2 will give the player some mathematical
skills with card odds. Math 3 will make the player skilled in
poker mathematics, taking into account both card odds and money
or "pot" odds.
Calmness: This determines whether the player will go "on tilt,"
that is, whether the player will bet more recklessly sometimes.
Reading: This influences the player's skill in reading opponents.
For instance, a Reading 1 player may read an opponent who has 3
Kings showing and raises another player's 4-flush showing, but
the Reading 1 player will likely miss the indications when another
player pairs his first (door) up card and raises (the indication,
of course, is trips).
Betting: A player rated Betting 1 will usually call a bet if in-
tending to stay, but will seldom bet aggressively or raise. Bet-
ting 2 players usually bet aggressively. Betting 3 players bet
aggressively but take their position relative to other players
into account.
│ Adjust the Table for 7 Card Stud │
│ Active Players = 8 │
│ AutoPlay Pecos McClure Y Rated 21 Stake $167.50 │
│ AutoPlay Boulder Bill N Rated 11 Stake $151.75 │
│ AutoPlay Jill Wayne Y Rated 7 Stake $198.30 │
│ AutoPlay Fast Freddie Y Rated 12 Stake $144.90 │
│ AutoPlay Middlin' Mabel Y Rated 7 Stake $423.40 │
│ AutoPlay Riverboat Tom N Rated 15 Stake $175.00 │
│ AutoPlay Slow Sally Y Rated 7 Stake $185.95 │
│ AutoPlay Las Vegas Fuji Y Rated 10 Stake $31.30 │
│ │
│ Real-Time Delay Factor? 4 Delay off if you folded [Y/N]? Y│
│ Sound effects on [Y/N]? Y│
│ Betting Limits: │
│ On Card # 3 $ 4.00 │
│ On Card # 4 $ 4.00 │
│ On Card # 5 $ 4.00 │
│ On Card # 6 $ 4.00 │
│ On Card # 7 $ 4.00 │
│ on the Ante $ .25 │
│ Lo Hand come-in $ .00 │
│ Hi Hand come-in $ .00 Betting limits are fixed [Y/N]? Y │
│ Maximum # Raises? 3 │
│ AutoDeal # Hands? 0 Hands per hour in live game [10..99]? 25 │
│ Rake % Pot? 0 ........ or Collect from players every 1/2 hour $ 0.00 │
│ All hands up after showdown [Y/N]? N │
AutoPlay (player name): A 'Y' beside a player's name indicates he is
an AutoPlayer. An 'N' indicates you are playing the position.
Real-Time Delay Factor: A number from 0 to 20 determines the speed
of the dealing and the AutoPlayers' betting.
Delay off if you folded: If 'Y' is here, then whenever you fold your
hand, the AutoPlayers speed through their play no matter what the
Real-time Delay Factor is.
Sound effects on: A 'Y' here turns on card-dealing and betting sounds.
Betting Limits: The numbers entered here determine the betting limit
for each round. The amount of the Ante is shown. In 7 Card Stud, the
Lo or Hi "come-ins" are shown. ("Forced come-ins" are used in the
"Mastery" series to simulate Casino rules, but do not apply to the
"Challenge" series.) In Hold'em, in place of the "come-ins," the
amount of the Blind Bet is shown.
Betting Limits are fixed: A betting limit may be variable or fixed.
"Variable" means that a player may bet any amount up to the limit.
"Fixed" means that a player must bet the limit. A 'Y' entered here
makes the game fixed-limit. Frequently, 7 Card Stud is played with
variable limits and Hold'em is played with fixed limits.
Maximum # Raises: This number is the maximum number of raises allowed.
The maximum is not enforced when only 2 players remain to bet against
each other.
AutoDeal # Hands: This setting does not apply to the "Challenge"
series; so, it is always 0.
Hands per hour in live game: The program uses this figure for two
or three calculations, e.g., to estimate the "Money won per hour."
It does not affect the speed of the computer game.
Rake % Pot .... or Collect from Players every 1/2 hour: Casinos rake
the game, by taking a percentage of each pot or a set amount every
1/2 hour. These settings are always 0 in the "Challenge" series.
All hands up after showdown: If 'Y' is entered here, even the folded
cards are turned up after the showdown (final bet). This is useful
for developing or practicing "card sense." If 'N' is here, only the
cards of players who were in for the final bet are turned up.